Students from all the paricipating Schools from Spain, Greece and Italy
evaluated the project with their special way!!!!
We also used ICT tools and in the answergarden the particpating students worked together in groups and wrote their messages!
All the best and thank you for accepting to participate in this activity, Theodora Chandrinou, Greece

from the 14th and 20th Primary Schools of Ilion, Greece

We send best wishes to our friends from Spain and Italy!!! All the students worked in the project and gave their best ideas and creations. We communicated on twinspace platform and we had the opportunity to see their works. Congratulations!
We collaborated and shared paintings and messages by post. That was fantastic!!!
We learned Spainsh and Italian words and we inproved our English!
Mrs Theodora Chandrinou is the best Fine Arts Teacher and we hope to collaborate again with her next year. She ogranized our etwinning project and helped us communicate with so many Schools from Greece, Spain and Italy!
Mrs Esperanza Caro from Spain helped us to have this great collaboration with our School-mates from Spain!
Mrs Irene Confalone from Italy helped us exchange so many beautiful works and ideas with our friends from Italy!
We wish to thank all our teachers because they helped us a lot in the project, each one from his field .
Have a beautiful Summer!!!

From Italy with warm wishes and enthusiastic friendship messages!!!

We also present the evaluation questionnaires used:
Thank you all for the collaboration!!!!