The Art of Printmaking as a pedagogical tool

  • The Art of Printmaking as a pedagogical tool

    About the project

    The profile of the project is based on active experiential learning.
    Through our project we will open a path for the students to receive knowledge using innovative practices, applied in classroom.
    We wish to reveal the efficient results of the Art of printmaking and its techniques as a pedagogical tool. We believe that it offers the Teachers venerable possibilities, capable to enrich the educational process, in order to enhance the students’ life skills.
    Especially, when it is embedded in Primary education it promotes an innovative intervention.


    Important aims of the project are:
    • To probe the interdisciplinary and integrated perspective on the education policy.
    • The aesthetic values and fine dexterities to be enriched, on using different materials, to be improved.
    • A travel to Art History getting knowledge and cultural education.
    • Motivation and energetic participation in classroom work, helping children to become more responsible as they will use sharp cutters and materials that require extra careful use.
    • To enhance the emotional intelligence of the children, empathy in first place and to gain self-esteem and become self-confident.
    • The students to become active and creative, able to take decisions and find solutions.
    • To help children to get more experienced in team working and in international group projects.
    • To cultivate their personal and social skills through collaboration and communication.
    • Get familiarized in the collaboration and communication in art projects through the positive use of differ

    Work process

    Activities: • “Introduction το our project”, using TwinSpace platform and exchanging activities . • “We present ourselves” – we use mixed techniques.
    • “We are part of our world and Art unites us”- our creative hands – imprints.
    • “We learn about the Art of printmaking” and search for videos to create our educational material. • “The students organize and present works”, by using the project method. By this way, they are taught and teach the  others, too.
    • “Our Art Printmaking gallery”, with favorite Art printmaking works; the students will choose and make a digital presentation.• “The lines tell us” – black and white forms sketches.• “The Printmaking techniques”.• “The tree of friendship”.• “Theater of shadows”.• “Interactive events and exchanging of materials”.• “Evaluation from the children” of our project.• Events, exhibitions and presentations open to public sharing the results of our efforts.
    We will be in cooperation with other Schools in Greece and we 'll share exhibitions and presentations

    Expected results

    Media for our Communication:
    * TwinSpace platform * eTwinning meetings * email * traditional post – exchanging of materials ( Art works, cards, ideas and messages * forum * Internet and digital tools (padlet, power point, audio, mp3, videos, etc) , * blogs.

    • We will create a public TwinSpace and a blog . There we will present the students’ creations that we are planning to make: videos, audios, presentations etc.
    • Seasonal creations and cards exchanging using the printmaking techniques .
    • We'll make exhibitions in our School event Halls and we’ll organize events open to public. Also, we’ ll participate in interactive activities in collaboration with other Schools in national and international level.


    Also you are invited to visit our twin-space pages and explore the works created.

    We hope to inspire you!


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