A wonderful Art journey, our project,
inspired pupils and Teachers.
When Mrs. Theodora Chandrinou from Greece invited Mrs. Esperanza Caro from Spain, to this adventure, it was sure the success, for our pupils' benefit.
Together, with our creative pupils we where active from the beginning until the end. All Pedagogical aims were full-field and we are are happy to share results.
During 2017 -2018 the two Art Teachers collaborated with the School Head Master Mr. Konstantinos Pittaras and we all joined the experience and disseminated results.
During the years 2015-2019 the project was used as an educational tool and helped pupils from different Schools to learn about the Art of Printmaking and to interact.
We hope to inspire you!

This is our last label with the 3 partners who collaborated for our project success!
The pupils from all the participating School, dyring the 3 years that our project was active, worked ard and interacted through twin space platform.
eTwinning was a great ecperience in our educational adventure!!!