IX. How to give a good speech?

  • Dear Students,

    By now you have been assigned your individual topic (premise) for your video speech via 2nd draw 😊

    You will surely have started thinking about your topic and how you could or would like to structure and prepare your personal speech which can reach.

    Here you can get some further inspiration from amazing speeches delivered by kids and teenagers

    Speech 1: World Climate and World Environment by Timocy (age 12)

    Speech 2: We Are All Different - And That's AWESOME by Cole (age 10)

    Speech 3: Straw No More - On the Damage of Plastic in Oceans by Molly (age 9)

    Speech 4: Why I Live a Zero-Waste Life by Lauren (Environmental Studies Graduate)

    💡 After watching some or ideally all of the video speeches, go to the discussion at the bottom of the page and share your ideas related to the questions:

    • Did the speaker/s capture your attention? If yes, why?
    • What, according to you, are the ingredients of an inspiring and convincing speech?

    Over to you: How to structure and prepare your speech that can reach - A Roadmap

    Similar to a written opinion piece or argumentation, also a persuasive speech needs to be prepared carefully. Ideally, it should be written out so that the structure and the line of argumentation remain clear and coherent all the way through. 

    However, you need to keep in mind that giving an inspiring speech is NOT a reading exercise. For this reason, practice and preparation are very important so that you can deliver your speech as spontaneously and freely as possible when finally recording it. In fact, giving an inspiring speech is very much like good storytelling. 

    By looking directly into the camera, try to establish eye contact with the imaginary viewers/listeners on the other side and tell your story.

    Supporting material for planning and preparation

    Below find the OREO Debating Planner as Pdf, which will help you structure and prepare your speech. It serves as a kind of roadmap that takes you along.

    Y10.Oreo Debating Planner.pdf

    If you wonder where the funny name comes from, I can tell you. It's the OREO biscuits with the yummy stuffing between two brownies 😉

    Speaking about debating, we could take:

    Top biscuit as INTRODUCTION

    Yummy cream in the middle as KEY ARGUMENTS 

    Bottom biscuit as CONCLUSION

    A list of useful expressions will help you knit the different parts of your speech together 

    Useful expressions for giving a speech.pdf

    Again, tell us in the discussion forum below whether you found the tips for making a good speech helpful and contribute your own piece of advice if you feel like it.

    Good work and let's rock it 😊