VII. Collaborative work of students

  • Dear students, productive weeks are coming :)

    Now you should be in contact with each other (4/5 members of each bunch) via Twinmails. 

    Keep the netiquette and eSafety in mind while working online together!

    Check the page about C. Esafety, netiquette, copyright and the subpage of your school about this subject.

    The following weeks, from 15th - 30th March, you will cooperate in the bunches (1-40) via bunch forums. In these bunch forums you should discuss the steps of your cooperation and share the outcomes and evidence of your collaborative work.

    You got the two issues after the first draw on 6th March 2021, which is published as a video in the TwinSpace page called VI. 1st draw.

    Each bunch should collaboratively, by joint efforts, prepare:

    1. at least 100 words long report on each of the two drawn issues (that means 200 words altogether). The report should contain facts, NOT opinions or arguments - just pure facts, it should be objective not subjective. That is why the report should be published with reliable sources. Let's bid farewell to disinformation! One much longer example, of a student's report on Deforestation with the sources at the bottom, can be found here: Deforestation

    2. a list or a mindmap of 3 arguments "for" and 3 arguments "against" on the two issues. There can be more than 3 arguments of course, the more the better; 

    Check an example of a mindmap with arguments on Deforestation

    3. a list of useful vocabulary about those two issues. An example of the list on one topic: Deforestation.

    The three outcomes of international collaborative work of bunches:  

    1. The report about the two issues; 

    2. The list of arguments for and against; 

    3. The list of vocab 

    should be in a form of different:

    mind maps (; infographics using Canva, Piktochart), 

    presentations (e.g. shared collaborative google slides), 

    documents (e.g. shared collaborative google docs), 

    jamboards, etc. (any other apps and platforms students like to use and agree on)

    shared in TwinSpace forum threads matching each bunch.

    These three documents above will help you to prepare your individual speech later in the next stage of the project. 

    That means work cooperatively and effectively on both of the drawn issues and all the three documents to get the best sources and foundation for the further stages of the project, because now you still do not know the specific premise (proposition/opposition) you will prepare your individual speech to!

    You will find that out after the second draw which will be held by the teachers later after your collaborative work (after 26th March).

    This way you will get a great opportunity to contact your foreign schoolmates in this project and work together online in TwinSpace, learn new facts and gain knowledge together about two of the issues drawn for you, and that all to improve your English skills. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them! 

    If you still feel afraid of public speaking check the page Fear of public speaking in English.

    KEEP EVIDENCE OF ALL YOUR COLLABORATIVE WORK in the forum of your bunch.

    That means: 

    Share in your bunch forum thread useful links to books, articles, videos and keep the sources of information in one place.

    Post in the forum thread your common shared google documents / google slides / jamboards as files. It can be the links or the file itself.

    Print screen your chat in the TwinSpace online meetings section or in any other platform you agree on and share it as a picture in the forum thread.

    Organise, prepare, record, upload to the project's youtube channel ( password has been changed) and then to your forum a short edited video version of your online video bunch meeting. Organise it together as a bunch with one of the teachers - facilitator in charge of your bunch.

    Video instructions on uploading links, files, pictures and videos to Twinspace MATERIALS and then to the forum thread:

    All the videos in our YouTube channel should be published as UNLISTED and the links to the videos should not be published anywhere else than our TwinSpace:

    Here is the list of facilitators with the numbers of bunches they are in charge of:

    Ms. Anemona Pătrulescu - 2, 13, 28, 33

    Ms. Constanze Rüder - 6, 12, 24, 39

    Ms. Ayla Tohumat - 3, 8, 14, 16

    Ms. Barbara Ruža Čirjak - 1, 11, 29, 35

    Ms. Rita Giovanna Ogliari - 4, 15, 23, 34

    Ms. Christine Zingerle - 5, 7, 17, 18

    Ms. Caroline Karmusik - 9, 20, 27, 32

    Ms. GÜNEŞ ÖNAL - 10, 19, 30, 40

    Ms. Emine Aydoğmuş Yüce - 21, 22, 31, 36

    Ms. Claudia Pellegrini - 25, 26, 37, 38

    Ms. Anna Trenčanová - available to cover for any teacher anytime

    Teacher facilitators may:

    - explain and help the bunches with apps, recording, TwinSpace etc.;

    - observe the activity and communication of the students in the bunches;

    - support, motivate and encourage all the members of the bunches to collaborate.

    You can find your specific bunch forum in the following pages according to the international group you belong to:

    1st international group 

    2nd international group 

    3rd international group 

    4th international group