Vb. Ten best issues

  • In the following presentation you can find detailed results of the Student's poll. 

    142 students submitted their responses till 5th March 2021 - 8 pm which was the deadline.

    10 best issues which advanced to the further stages of the project and the 1st draw are :

    1.  Healthcare should be free for everyone. / Healthcare should not be free for everyone.

    2.  Animal testing should be banned. / Animal testing should not be banned.

    3.  Global warming is a collective issue. / Global warming is not a collective issue - it belongs to every single person to act.   

    4.  Freedom of speech should be maintained in any case. / Freedom of speech should be generally limited.

    5.  Disinformation on the Internet is a problem. / Disinformation on the Internet is not a problem.

    6.  Death penalty should be allowed in specific cases. / Death penalty should remain abolished.

    7.  Adoption by same-sex couples should be allowed. / Adoption by same-sex couples should not be allowed.

    8.  School uniforms and dress codes should be obligatory in every school. / School uniforms and dress codes should not be obligatory in every school.

    9.  Rich countries should assist developing countries. / Rich countries should not assist developing countries.

    10.  War is always unjustified. / War is justified in some cases.

    Teachers had to choose between the issue about the school uniforms and the issue about final exams which had the same number of votes. They chose the school uniforms. 

    And we are glad that this years eTwinning topic "Media literacy & Disinformation" is also included among the best issues of our project.