IIIb. Word Art "Unity In Diversity"


    In the beginning of February 2021 we decided to contribute in the questionnaire about Critical thinking & Constructive criticism.

    More than 155 respondents - students submitted 1290 words in this brain-netting task! It sounds like one of the longest brain-nets in the world :)

    Participating teachers had a fruitful chat conversation about the final look of the word art via hangouts application. We discussed the shape, font, colours, layout and style.

    We decided to choose the shape in the top of this page - five hands in different colours which can be the symbol of diversity, but together those hands can work in unity - same like all the participants of this unique project do!

    As you can see in the word art, you found a match, the words you associated the most with Critical Thinking & Constructive Criticism are: OPINION, ANALYSIS, OBJECTIVE, POSITIVE, ARGUMENT, FEEDBACK, REASON, HELPFUL, JUDGEMENT, RATIONAL, FACTS DISCUSS and many other. Check them out in the active word art:

    Unity in diversity :)