0. General Info
0.1 Project Calendar
1. The Concept of Bildung
1.1 Kick-off activity
PL: Bildungsroman- Polish & world literature
DE: Mindmaps Bildung (Year 8)
DE: Mindmaps Bildung (Year 9)
DE: Huckleberry Finn - a bildungsroman
PL: The concept of BILDUNG
Logo Competition
DE: Logo Designs
DK: Logo Designs
LT: Logo Designs
PL: Logo Designs
1.3 Holistic learning Teacher Week Barcelona
3.1 Whole School Holistic Learning Approaches
3.2 Deep Reading Best Practices
3.3 Deep reading and autonomous reading & learning
2. Environmental Awareness & Engagement
2.1 Creative Task
2.1 DE: Photo Leporellos
2.1 Transclassical Pictures
2.1 PL: Macro Photo
2.2 Research Task
2.2 PL: Research Task
2.3 Add-on Tasks
2.3 DE: Meet a Marine Biologist
2.3 DE: Research in Antarctica
2.3 DE: Wildlife Conference (Year 8a/b)
2.3 DE: Wildlife Conference (Year 8c/d)
2.5 The Project Week in DK
3. Democratic and Civic Participation
Prep Work 1: Portfolios
Prep Work 2: Videos on Fallacies
DE: Videos
4. Personal Development
Prep Work 1: The Arts & Social Media
Prep Work 2: Survey on Iconic People
DE: Survey
Output: Podcasts
5. Digital Literacy & Learner Autonomy
5.1 Digital Literacy
DE: Wiki
5.2 Learner Autonomy
2.1 PL: Macro Photo