2.1 Creative Task

  • New Perspectives on our Environment


    Holistic learning means to use all your senses and explore interdisciplinary links which have the potential to help students make associations between analytical and creative knowledge. Students will thus be encouraged to look at the environment from the point of view of a Renaissance artist/scientist: Where do we find unexpected beauty in our environment? What do we consider aesthetic? Why? What beauty in nature do we tend to overlook?



    Students will take a creative approach here. They may write, draw or take pictures. A particularly interesting mini-project could be a MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP in the school garden or the school's close surroundings during which students take close-ups of plants and insects with magnifying filters or lenses. 


    If you decide upon the photo project, upload photos to eTwinning which link to the theme of visible and invisible beauty in Nature. You might want to photograph pretty sights in your local area or depict the hidden beauty of a cobweb or frost on the grass – the idea is that you play with the use of photography to draw out the beauty of nature in various ways.




    Juan Pablo Mascanfroni. URL: https://unsplash.com/photos/ufgmBiqh2Kk