Transdigital Education - New Project Schedule
Transdigital Education - New Project Schedule
Module 1: The Concept of Bildung (All partners)
P1 Digital IB Coordinator Kick-off Meeting
P2 eTwinning Teacher Online Training
6.11.2021 & 27.11.2021
P3 Digital IB Coordinator Project Planning Meeting
P4 Digital Student Activity
Students discuss the concept of bildung and present their results on eTwinning. Guiding questions: How would you define “Bildung” in the context of today’s education?; In what ways do you see your education fostering “Bildung”?; Are there other ways, apart from school, in which you see yourself being exposed to “Bildung”?; Can you give an example of a Bildungroman?
P5 Project Logo Competition (LI)
All partner schools create and select a common project logo. The competition starts in the schools' art classes or after-school clubs. The best designs will be presented on eTwinning on the 21.5.2021 and students will choose the winning design by using the eTwinning poll.
Module 2: Environmental Awareness and Engagement (DK)
P6 Digital IB Coordinator Project Planning Meeting
P7 Module 2 Student Preparation I
Holistic learning means to use all your senses and explore interdisciplinary links which have the potential to help students make associations between analytical and creative knowledge. Students will thus be encouraged to look at the environment from the point of view of a Renaissance artist/scientist: Where do we find unexpected beauty in our environment? What do we consider aesthetic? Why? What beauty in nature do we tend to overlook? Students will take a creative approach here. They may write, draw or take pictures. A particularly interesting mini-project could be a MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP in the school garden or the school's close surroundings during which students take close-ups of plants and insects with magnifying filters or lenses. The mini-outputs of this preparatory phase will later be used in the C4 student leaflet.
Upload at least 5 photos to eTwinning which link to the theme of visible and invisible beauty in Nature. You might want to photograph pretty sights in your local area or depict the hidden beauty of a cobweb or frost on the grass – the idea is that you play with the use of photography to draw out the beauty of nature in various ways.
P8 Digital IB Coordinator Project Planning Meeting
11.6.2021, 08:30-09:30
P9 Module 2 Student Preparation II
Students are divided into six internationally mixed groups and may choose to
work on
- conservation
- decline of biodiversity
- invasive species
- rewilding
- interdependence and vulnerability of ecosystems
- changes in our views on nature
Each group will communicate via eTwinning to agree on specific research tasks to be completed with regards to their chosen topic.
1-3 Give examples of how your country/another European country has faced or faces challenges connected to conservation, biodiversity or invasive species.
4-5 Give an example of project(s) in your country/ another European country that work with either rewilding or the preservation of ecosystems.
6 Give an example from your own country/ another European country to show how people’s views on nature have changed over time.
All group members will thus take an active part in the preparation and collaboratively students will do extensive RESEARCH. An overview of each group's findings will be presented on an eTwinning WEBPAGE or in a FORUM.
July/August 2021
Preparation of the Teacher Training in Germany
Science teachers from each project school will reflect on their different teaching approaches: What methods and materials are predominantly used? What role does digital learning and teaching play in the sciences? Are first steps already being taken towards a holistic learning and teaching approach? If so, how? If not, what obstacles do/did the science department face? How important are interdisciplinary bonds between different subject areas? How important is open learning? Does the school foster learning outside the classroom by collaborating with after-school clubs, environmental organisations etc.? Teachers will present their reflections on their schools' different science profiles in INTERACTIVE MINDMAPS which are to be shown as a means of introduction to the other participants of the staff training.
September 2021
Teacher Training in Essen: Transdigital Perspectives in the Natural Sciences
Travel: Mon, 6.9.2021
Workshop days: Tue, 7.9.-Thu, 9.9.2021
Travel: Fri, 10.9.2021
Participants: 1 teacher per school (You may send more if you want)
Accommodation: a list of hotels has been provided, please book individually
- Teachers present their schools' science profiles and their reflections on their own teaching with the help of the interactive mindmaps they prepared;
- Teachers discuss
a) how to foster holistic learning and teaching in the sciences and how to assess it;
b) how to promote interdisciplinary collaboration with other subject teachers;
c) the role of open learning and learning outside the classroom;
Teachers exchange experiences and best practice.
- discuss the opportunities and limitations of digital media in the science classroom;
- exchange best practice with regards to digital learning and teaching;
- explore tools for creating online quizzes, such as ''quizlet', kahoot', 'socrative' etc.
Class visits, if applicable.
Teachers ask themselves how an awareness of 'transdigital' learning and teaching in the sciences might be promoted with the help of a quiz for educators,
teacher trainees, teachers, interested parents etc. They create such a quiz with one of the digital tools/platforms tested on Day 2 and compile a list of tips based
on their findings during Day 1 and 2.
Student Project Week in Denmark
Travel: Mon, 20.9.2021
Workshops: Tue, 21.9.-Fr,23.9.21
Travel: Sat, 25.9.21
Number of Students: 5 per school
Number of Teachers: 1 per school; 2 from DE and PL
Students will exchange the information they had gathered during their research/creative work and attend a lecture about rewilding by environmental experts from Aarhus University. After this, students will organise their own ENVIRONMENTAL YOUTH CONFERENCE. The goal is to debate environmental issues and to start a LOCAL INITIATIVE to improve biodiversity together with members of the Ikast town council who will be invited as conference
guests and guest speakers. Last but not least, students will spend an entire day doing OUTDOOR FIELD WORK with conservationists from a local environmental
organisation. This might include routine activities like taking samples, collecting statistical data through observation or doing necessary repair work in a nature
At the end of the project week, students will create a LEAFLET OR BROCHURE for the town inhabitants of Ikast with suggestions about what anyone can do to
create a positive and sustainable impact on the local biodiversity. Photos, pictures and texts from the prep activities will be used to make an appealing design. Students' reports
on their experiences during their practical field study day and the results of the conference may also be displayed in this publication.
Online Coordinators’ Meeting
(To be scheduled by DK at the end of the project week)
We will
- discuss details about the teacher training in Barcelona (Oct 2021)
- plan the staff training ‘Fostering European Values, Democratic Participation and Civic Engagement through Transdigital Learning’ in DK (maybe Nov or Dec 2021?)
- make arrangements for the next student module in Lithuania (Jan-March 2022)
Staff Training - Follow-up Activities: The Science teachers will meet with their faculties, their heads of school and heads of departments. The goal is for each school to
realise at least one MINI-PROJECT/TEACHING UNIT which contributes to a) an intensification of the collaboration between different subjects or b) an expanded cooperation with external institutions or c) the embedding of transdigital scientific learning. Examples could be joint projects between the Natural Sciences, the forming of a new after-school club or cross-departmental collaborations, e.g. in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) courses which teach science through the medium of a foreign language.
Schools may put ideas into practice which best suit their current prerequisites and needs, but the activities must be documented online to demonstrate the quality of cooperation arrangements and ensure further virtual exchange between the project schools.
Preparation of the Teacher Training in Barcelona
Group 1 and 2: Members of the School Administration, Erasmus Coordinators and Senior Teachers prepare a PADLET with photos, videos, links, headlines and short texts to introduce their schools to each other and show what steps towards holistic learning have already been taken by each school. In addition, they will bring a FOLDER with relevant extracts from their school programmes, school development plans/European Development Plans.
Group 2: Foreign Language and Literature Teachers prepare a TREASURE BOX filled with best practice samples (teaching ideas, teaching materials, student sample work, project descriptions, photos etc.) to show to their colleagues how they have so far used Deep Reading strategies in their classrooms and/or how they mean to apply Deep Reading in preparing students for their Erasmus project reading assignment
Teacher Training in Barcelona: Implementing and Maintaining Holistic Teaching and Learning
Travel: Mon, 25.10.2021
Workshop: 26.-28.10.2021
Travel: Fri, 29.10.21
Participants: 3 teachers per school (Group 1: Headteachers; Group 2: Coordinators; Group 3: Literature Teachers)
Day 1:
Group 1 & 2: Presentation of existing holistic (or at least interdisciplinary) learning and teaching approaches;
Group 3: Exchanging best practice from different countries, discussing the didactics and assessment of deep reading;
Group 1: Discussing strategies for fostering holism which involves all stakeholders and fostering teachers’ commitment to a lifelong professional development programme; a basis for the discussion of challenges, ideas future actions: J. Hart, 'Holistic education' 2010;
Group 2: Introducing newcomers to the concept of Erasmus project work; discussing strategies for implementing holistic learning and teaching as part of the schools' European School Development Plans and the application of adequate means of evaluation;
Group 3: Discussing ideas for a school-wide cross-curricular reading promotion programme in and outside the classroom;
Group 1,2, 3: Presentation of Results
Day 2:
Group 1,2,3: eTwinning workshop & exploring the new project Twinspace;
class visits (if applicable).
Day 3:
Group 1&2: Designing WEBPAGES on the project Twinspace about the concept of holism and the development of a holistic learning environment with a strong European dimension;
Group 1&2: Compiling a LIST of PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS about holistic school development;
Group 3: Designing WEBPAGES on the project Twinspace with an introduction to deep reading and a presentation of the pedagogical reflections on reading promotion
Module 3: Critical Thinking and Caring (LIT)
October - December
Module 3 Student Preparation I: Students are introduced to PORTFOLIO work. Over a period of five months they will document and reflect upon their volunteer engagement. Students' voluntary work should have a school, community and an international focus. It may thus include the conception, development, preparation and/or execution of school events, civic or social engagement in the local community, such as service work for elderly neighbours or underprivileged children, or the promotion of international exchange. Each school will appoint a contact teacher to offer students assistance if they find it difficult to think of adequate forms of engagement. The portfolios should be written in English and contain photos, letters or recommendations or other proof of attendance and show how the voluntary engagement helped students to grow personally. The portfolios will be shared via eTwinning and may be used by the project teachers as a basis for selecting students for the following LTTA.
Module 3 Staff Training Preparation:
At each school, teachers of Politics, Social Sciences, History, Geography, Ethics, Religion or Theory of Knowledge will compile a PPT, Prezi or Sway PRESENTATION about how their school fosters (a) European Values, (b) Democratic Participation and (c) Civic Engagement. They will also show how multidisciplinary collaboration in this area is organised, how their school tries to involve different stakeholders and what challenges and benefits the school community has recently seen.
Module 3 Staff Training: Fostering European Values, Democratic Participation and Civic Engagement through Transdigital Learning in DK
Date: Nov or Dec???
Day 1:
Teachers present the existing approaches at their individual schools with the help of the presentations completed in P13, which give a detailed overview of how
each school attempts to convey European values and encourage democratic participation and civic engagement. All participants meet with different stakeholders
from the host school, who will show them how the Danish IB programme works towards implementing and evaluating these aspects. Future strategies for
teaching citizenship and evaluating progress will be developed in plenum.
DAY 2:
Teachers develop a catalogue of skills, competences and critical thinking approaches which form part of the concept of 'digital citizenship' and discuss how these
may be approached in different curricular contexts in order to enhance global citizenship education. Possible points to consider might be norms and rules in digital
communication and collaboration, digital safety, information assessment, digital consumption patterns, digital health and welfare, digital rights etc. Teachers
should also be given time to exchange internet websites and other teaching resources they might have already used successfully.
DAY 3:
Teachers collaborate to write a position paper on 'Transdigital Citzenship' which summarizes the results of their exchange on Day 1 and 2 with a particular view
on forming a holistic approach with purposeful technology integration.
January 2022
Student Week in Lithuania
Dates to be arranged in Sep: January – March 2022?