April - Our Games and rules

  • Dear friends, we are sending you instructions how to play our

    national games. We are waiting for yours and we are look forward to

    them .





    Blind man's buff 

    Fisherman catches fish




    The 1st game:

    Blind man's buff

    Children stay in a circle. They select from them "blind man's buff," who is in the centre of the circle. One of them bind his/her eyes with scarf.

    Children ask : "Blind man's buff, what are you standing on? "
    Blind man´s  buff : "On the log."
    Children : "What do you have under the log?"
    Blind  man's buff : "Porridge with milk.“
    Children  : "Which do you want? "
    Blind man´s buff:  „ Clapped“ ( the pupils can whistle, or clap, or stomp their feet, or be silent...)

    Children start clapping and the blind man's buff is trying to catch someone by sound they make. The one who is catched becomes the blind man's buff.


    The 2nd game:

    Fisherman catches fish
    One of the children is a fisherman. Other children are standing opposite him.

    Teacher says: "Fisherman catches fish." Children start running opposite  to fisherman and they try to find the other way. Fisherman tries to catch a fish - a pupil. Caught fish is becoming a fisherman. The game continues in this way until will be no fish there, only fishermen.


    The 3rd game:

    at hide-and-seek
    One of the children counts to 20. Other children run and hide. The child, who was counted looks for the others. If he finds out all children, another child counts and looks for hidden children.




    Choose the game you prefer, you can find the videos in Italy folder.

    Have fun :-)

    Game 1

    CAPTURE THE FLAG (“Ruba bandiera” in Italian)

    Capture the Flag is a great game to play at any time with any number of people greater than six.

    To win a point a player has to grab the flag and get it to his/her side of the playing area without being tagged.

    What you need:

    A flag (it can be a colored cloth)

    A Teacher or a student who holds the flag

    Numbers worn by the students

    A playing area divided into two sides


    Split the players into two equal teams

    The members of the teams have to wear a number (Ex: Team A: 1-2-3-4-5….; Team B: 1-2-3-4-5…..)


    The teacher (or student) places oneself at the dividing line and hangs the flag

    Then the teacher calls a number

    The two players with the same number start running to grab the flag and bring it to his/her team without being tagged by the player of the opposing team

    If the player with the flag is tagged while he/she is returning the flag to his/her side, the other team wins a point.

    The team with the most points wins the game. 

    Game 2


    (Palla prigioniera)


    Number of Players: 2 teams (each team: from 6 till 10 players)

    Equipment: a ball

    A referee (It is usually the teacher)


    Choose the captains of the teams and  draw the team that starts the match

    The goal of this game is to put in prison all the players of the rival team

    A player of a team goes to prison  behind the opposing team if:

    -The ball hits your body and then falls to the ground

    -The ball is caught by an opponent

    -You step on or over a centerline

    4. Win the game the team that is able to imprison all the players of the opposing team.






    In this game children are divided into two groups.  Two players of one group stand opposite one another and the players of the other group gather between them. The two players throw a ball at each other trying to hit one of the children of the rival group. If the ball hits a player then they get “burned” and exit the game.  However, if a player catches the ball, he wins an “apple.”  The goal of this game is to get as many “apples” as possible.  Each “apple” gives the player an extra “life” he can use in case he gets “burned.” - See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2014/06/18/greek-traditional-games-for-children/#sthash.rEj2XY2j.dpuf




    “The wolf, the bear and geese”


    Number of players:12

    Duration:10 min.

    Means: good mood

    Place: Outdoors or sports gym

    Age: 6–99


    Description: three players are chosen to be a wolf, a bear and a goose. The rest are geese. A bear and a wolf stand in front of a goose and geese make tandem stand behind the goose holding each other by the waist. The bear and the wolf ask the goose:

    – Where do you fly?

    – To the lake, – answers the goose.

    – Try to do so, – tease the bear and the wolf.

    The bear and the wolf link hands each other and hold them up (“making a net”). The goose and the geese try to get through their linked hands while the bear and the wolf try to catch geese by “throwing the net”. The caught geese are asked to choose either the wolf or the bear and to make a tandem stand holding each other by the waist behind the chosen character.

    When all the geese are being caught the team of the bear stands in front of the team of the wolf with their leaders in front. The geese hold tight each other by the waist while the bear and the wolf link their hands as well. Both teams pull strongly each other trying to pull away as many geese from the opposite team as possible.

    The aim of the game is to pull away into your team all the players from the opponent‘s team.





    "The fisherman and his fishers"

    Number of players: 15

    Duration: 10 min.

    Means: rope and good mood.

    Place: Outdoors or sports gym

    Description: Children make a circle. One of them is chosen to stand in the middle of the circle to be "the fisherman" holding a rope ("fisherman's rod"). The fisherman quickly rotates the rope quite low so hit the players' ("fishers") legs - to catch a fish. The rest have to jump up to avoid the rope touches their legs. If the fisherman "catches a fish", he/ she becomes a new fisherman and the games starts again.





    Hello. Below we are describing the most popular Polish games. As you can see we have the "boards" painted on our school corridors, so we can play them during breaks.


    This rectangual game is called klasy, which can be translated as sections or classes.

    1. Draw a rectangle on the floor and divide into six squares.
    2. In the first square write a „F” that means „fruits”, in the second square write a „V’ that means „vegetables”, in the next square write a  „A” that means „animals”, in the four square write a „T” that means „towns”, in the fifth square write a „C” that means „countries”, in the last square write a „N” that means „names”.
    3. You have to jump with one leg  into the next field and tell the word connected with  category (fruits, vegetables and so on).
    4. Each square is dedicated to one category.
    5. When you make a mistake you’re out of the game.
    6. The first who succesfully tell all words and does not otuch the line is a winner.



    The shape of the figure resembles a boy, so the name is chlopek - in literal trabslation it means farmer boy.

    The game is similar than the previous one - the participant jumps on one leg through the blocks "1", "2", "3", then she/he may rest by putting her/his both legs on the pavement - the left on number "4" and the right on "5" , then jumps on "6" and "7" + "8" with both legs, then she/he flips the legs turning 180 degrees and repeats it again.

    There are some variations of these two games - the participant can jump in more difficult verions with only left leg or with the crossed legs.


    1. Stand next to playground and put a button on the floor.
    2. Push the button from the start to the end.
    3. When you fail you should go to red place.
    4. The winner is who finish the race on the first place.
    5. Let’s play this game with your friends.