Second Step - Greek ceramic plates


    The teacher uses the interactive whiteboard to make pupils complete this quiz all together (Link game: Teacher reads the text of the game and pupils, all togerher, identify the correct keywords. 

    The teacher divides the class into seven groups made of three children. Then, she asks each group to decide a theme of Greek ceramic plates (between portrait,fighting and god) based on each component’s preference. With her own guide, groups, one by one, will search on the web a picture, using the class’ computer, of a Greek ceramic plate representing the chosen theme.






    After that, the teacher gives to each group:

    • some brown das (“terracotta”);
    • a pencil;
    • a plate made of paper. 

    Pupils will have specific roles inside of their own groups:

    • one of them will realize the plate with the das, modeling it using the paper plate and his own hands;
    • one of them will draw on a plate the picture found by the group; 
    • one of them will paint the draw made by his mate, using the black colour.

    At the end, each group presents its work to the class. In particular:

    • pupil who realized the plate, modeling the das, will explain how he made it and what he used; 
    • pupil who realized the draw will describe it;
    • pupil who painted the draw will explain how he painted.