
  • The teacher divides the class into five groups, and she explains that we can change the situation. The teacher gives the job to create a decalogue of the correct actions.

    Pupils have to create a decalogue of the correct actions. Each group elaborates a list with 10 habits.

    They discuss together and choose ten correct habits to be included in the decalogue. Each group composes two decalogues: the first one is more visual and suitable for the first classes, the other one has more phrases and it is for older children.

    The teacher shows the five lists and selects the habits chosen by the students in a single decalogue. The teacher recreates the previous groups.

    The teacher shares a link to vote these 10 decalogues/decalogs on the school website and asks the assessor to publish the link on the City Hall’s website. The most voted of the two types of works will be published on the two websites and they will be placed in the hall of the school. The others will be hung in different galleries.