Unit 3 - Content Marketing

  • For content marketing four main objectives need to be achieved:

    • clearly distinguish between different types of content,
    • formulate content marketing strategies in a customer-oriented but also data-driven way,
    • create and personalize content,
    • produce content promotion strategies.

    Regarding types of content, the DM qualified professional should be able to recognize different categories of content such as slogans and taglines and modify them using appropriate format content tools.  In formulating content marketing strategies, the envisaged DM professional should be able to analyse and manage communities and determine and apply social listening tactics. In creating content, the DM professional should be able to utilize a variety of content platforms and implement personalization. Finally, in producing content promotion strategies, the professional should demonstrate ability in the effective use of leads, customer upsells, tweets, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Blog posts, and YouTube channel handling.

    Curriculum and Activities
