Slovenia: Teachers and students meeting

  • Teachers and students meeting

    Here is some information about the June meeting to help you with preparing for it. Feel free to contact us if you need further explanation. We are looking forward to seeing you on June 3rd 2021.


    • All students are divided into five groups. Each country has 3 active students in each group, so all together 15 active students per country. You should place your students into groups ahead. It's up to you whether there are more students present in each group but in order to coordinate the meeting efficiently, only three students are active, which means they do the talking.
    • Each country needs at least five computers. They have to be set in different rooms/classrooms. The group at each computer enters the meeting with a name like Italy 1, Italy 2, Italy 3, Italy 4 and Italy 5 (and likewise for other countries).
    • The coordinators of the groups are Lucija, Damjana, Maruša, Giedre and Marija.
    • Marjeta provides the link to the meeting, welcomes the participants, opens the rooms and monitors the course of the group work.
    • You can test the link on ZOOM application with Marjeta on Tuesday, June 1st 2021 from 10.30 to 11.00 and on the same day at 19.00. You will get the link on time.


    1. Entering the meeting, group organizing (5 min, in the main room, Marjeta).


    2. Presentations of groups´ members (5 min, in 5 different rooms, coordinators). HINTS FOR COORDINATORS: Introduce yourselves, tell your name and show us how
    you feel today. HINTS FOR STUDENTS: My name is ... Today I feel... A student presents his/her condition with a gesture/ body language/facial expression. For example, he jumps or waves with arms or squints, etc.

    3. Discussing the YEAH project actions at our schools (10 minutes, in 5 rooms, coordinators). HINTS FOR COORDINATORS: What do you think of the YEAH project activities at your school this year? What were the pluses/minuses/interesting moments? HINTS FOR STUDENTS: Prepare the list of pluses/minuses/interesting points ahead. You can make a table like one below the schedule. Use key words only and be concise. Each of the three students reports one of it (PMI = plus, minus, interesting).

    4. A short sports activity to relax (5 min, in 5 rooms, coordinators). Link.


    5. Discussing experience with distance learning (10 min, in 5 rooms, coordinators). HINTS FOR COORDINATORS: What is your experience with distance learning? HINTS FOR STUDENTS: Prepare the list of pluses/minuses/interesting points ahead. You can make a table like one below the schedule. Use key words only and be
    concise. Each of the three students reports one of it (PMI = plus, minus, interesting).


    6. A short sports activity to relax (5 min, in 5 rooms, coordinators). Link.


    7. Discussing summer holidays (10 min, in 5 rooms, coordinators). HINT FOR COORDINATORS: What do you wish for your summer holidays? HINTS FOR STUDENTS: Each student gives one wish/plan/idea how he/she is going to spend his/her summer holidays. You can prepare it ahead.

    8. Closure and farewell (5 min, back in the main room, Marjeta).

  • Further evidence

    CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida (Spain)

    We share this template so that learners can effectively prepare the meeting. We hope it will be useful for all organisations.

    CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida (Spain)

    We share the photos we took during the session. Link:

    CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida (Spain)

    Entry in the official blog of the project, describing the activity carried out with photos and videos of the experience.


    Common report - The coordinator leads the discussion and writes a short report.

    PHOTOS, all 5 rooms