Third online meeting

  • Third online meeting

    On 14 January the coordinating partners of the YEAH! project met to discuss the following points in relation to the January activities:

    1. Monitoring of the dissemination of the last activities.

    2. Students registration and presentations in eTwinning.

    3. The first survey about our topics.

    4. Exchange of best practices on the YEAH! topics for the first months of 2021.

    Before starting analysing our agenda, we discussed about the activities planned for the first year of the project. Due to the actual difficult situation, we agree to go on with virtual preparatory activities for the next months and to try to avoid virtual/blended mobility in order to exploit all the benefits of the presential mobility when it will be possible. For this reason, we will probably ask a one-year extension of the project.

    1) Monitoring of the dissemination of the last activities.

    We remind to upload all the evidences and dissemination of the Logo and of the Christmas activities.

    2) Students inscriptions and presentations in Etwinning.

    We ask to register the students so that they can upload their presentations and interact with their foreign friends.

    3) The initial survey about our topics: One for students and one for teachers.

    We agree to prepare 5 questions per partner per each survey: 4 closed questions and one open-ended question.

    All partners agree to revise their questions by the 20th of January.

    We will check that the 2 surveys are well-balanced till the end of the month and then Giedre will share it with the partnership.

    At the end of February we will analyse the results of the questions.

    4) Exchange of best practices on the YEAH!

    The topic of the first activity in March is “emotions and positive reinforcement”. Denmark proposes a simple activity called “Hot chair” and a video will be shared to show us how to lead the activity.

    In April, Spain will propose an activity about contrasting cyberbulling.

    5) YEAH! calendar: Slovenja shows the 2021 Calendar and Marjeta  recommends, before disseminating and printing it, to check that there are no mistakes by the end of next week.

    6) Question time.

    We ask a confirmation to make visible the coordinates of all the coordinators partners on the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform: please, let us know, if you do not agree to publish your data.

    It was a great session in which very effective agreements were reached. 


  • Further evidence

    CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Link to the post in the blog of the project: