Denmark Good Practice: Hot Chair

  • Hot Chair

    Instructions for the exercise by Marie and Kristine

    Part one

    This exercise is all about making ones peers feel good about who they are and give them a feeling of belonging in a community -in this case the class. 

    As the girls in the video explain each student have to post a picture of themselves either on a paper or on a padlet. It is preferable to do the exercise on paper, but because of the circumstances some will not be able to do it on paper and the Padlet works just fine. 

    When the pictures have been glued onto the paper or put on the Padlet all students in the class must comment on the pictures. Only positive comments naturally. 

    Once all of the students commented on the pictures it is time to read the comments aloud. Even though some of us still teach from home, this should be possible. This is a very important part of the exercise, because this is when all the positive phrases about the student is vocalised and this is what reinforces the students confidence.

    Part two

    Evaluation on the exercise

    Each student post their thoughts about the exercise on a Padlet (couldn't find a better and still free solution). Here they will either tell, film or write what they gained from the exercise (if possible in English). They can also read the statements about the aloud and express which statements meant the most to them and their thoughts about the "Hot Chair" task. 

    This is the link for a common Padlet: Evaluation on "Hot Chair" Please make sure, that the link works for all of you, since I made it from my work acces to the resource. 

  • Further evidence

    CEIP Bilingüe Ciudad de Mérida (Spain)

    All our works are published in this blog entry.

    Hot chair -part one