Workshop about the Use of TwinSpace

  • Workshop

    TwinSpace is a very important tool for our Erasmus project that we reflected in our application. For this reason during the month of November all teachers will receive training on the didactic use of the TwinSpace.

    In the TwinBoard we will upload the evidence of the different formations that we carry out.


  • Evidences

    Juan Antonio Rincón Carballo, CEIP Ciudad de Mérida, Spain

    Photos from the session held on 9 November 2020

    SPAIN, CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Post to the official blog of the project.

    SPAIN, CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Link to the school blog.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Dissemination of the activity in Twitter.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Group photo.