Calendar 2021

  • Calendar 2021

    One of our activities in the projects is creating our common calendar. To prepare it in a unified form here are some information for you:

    • Please, choose 2 - 4 photos each partner. The message should be related to your theme in the project.
    • Send the photos in a landscape orientation and jpg format.
    • Add a message to each photo. You can use the quotes we shared in our Erasmus Day video conference, if you wish.
    • Send the logo of your school as well.
    • The deadline is 23rd November 2020.

    Involve students' ideas and work as much as possible. Be creative!

    Image of Memed_Nurrohmad in Pixabay 

  • Evidence

    SLOVENIA - The photo contest for calendar 2021

    Students and teachers have collected photos, than voted (choose two).

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Photo 1 about our students.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Photo 2 about teacher and students of our school.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    A video that summarizes all the process with this fantastic activity.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Post in the official blog of the project.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Post in the school blog.

    SPAIN - CEIP Bilingual Ciudad de Mérida

    Access to our complete photo album.


    Dissemination of the activity in Twitter.


    Thank you for cooperation (for photos and quotes). Slovenian team