Pre and post questionnaires: Slovenia



    6 teachers did the pre and 9 teachers did the post mobility survey.

    Teachers are certain that students´ interest in active life and sports as well as their knowledge about Slovenia improved a great deal after the mobility. It didn´t really have an impact on their digital competences as they were high even before the mobility. On the other hand, teachers believe that students improved their linguistic skills a lot. Teachers believe that students had a good chance to learn about the Slovenian school system and took it. Teachers predicted students to expect most from an excursion, a city tour, Olympic games, yoga and clay classes. After the activities finished, they discussed it with students what they liked the most. And they found out that students really liked the indoor Olympic games, the excursion, the city tour, the traditional dances workshop and a visit to the gymnastics centre.


    Teachers assess that they got quite a few ideas concerning the main topic – sport - for their teaching practice. They learnt a lot about Slovenia and especially about the Slovenian school system. The reasons to join the project mobility were the following: students, good topic, to learn about other school systems, to get ideas for their work, fun. One of the teachers had doubts because he/she thought not to be a sportive person. Others had none doubts at all. They expected most from the activities as: learning about the school, the Slovenian school system, yoga and clay classes, an excursion and a city tour. Afterwards they appreciated the introduction of the Slovenian school system most, and the excursion, the project meeting on reporting about the yearly project activities and the Olympic games as well.


    13 students filled in the questionnaire.

    After the mobility in Slovenia, students expectedly raised their motivation in sports significantly, got to know Slovenia and the school system of Slovenia. Now they can compare it with their own. The majority believe that they have improved their linguistic competences on the grounds of the mobility. Unfortunately, one of the students is less confident in his/her linguistic skills after the mobility. Maybe it was too hard of a challenge for him/her.

    Students applied for the mobility mostly because they believed it was a perfect opportunity for them to improve language skills, to get to know other schools, meet new friends and live with them for a week, understand about other cultures and learn about Slovenia.

    Before they came to Slovenia, they hardly had any doubts or fears. One student thought he/she wouldn´t be able to understand others sufficiently and one was aware that he/she was a shy person and that this could be a problem when relating to new friends.

    Students expected most from activities like excursion, t.i. all day school outside, meeting the hosts, sports games, particularly basketball, a town and a school tour and the Olympic Museum. After the activities were finished, they stated that they enjoyed mostly in the following activities: excursion, Olympic games, traditional dances and meeting the hosts and the school. They liked the clay and yoga classes as well.