Second online meeting


    On the 17th November we met to discuss the following points:

    • Silvia shown the results of the Mobility evaluation survey (you can find the presentation in this page).
    • YEAH internet site updates; Marjeta advised to have a coordinator for each Country and she will organise a Meet soon.
    • Project promotional video: the video is in progress.
    • Daily journals: Italy and Spain have already uploaded the daily Journal on the eTwinning page
    • Completion of the mobility tool (groups): Italy has completed the Mobility tool space, now the groups can upload theirs.
    • Communication and dissemination activities in each school: we shared our dissemination activities on newspapers, school Internet sites…
    • eTwinning space: Juan showed us the mobility documents to be uploaded (daily journal, presentations, didactic material, dissemination evidences).
    • Documents to be archived for reporting: Ann confirmed that we can go on storing our documents in the Drive already existing.
    • Future proposals of activities in each school connected with the videomaking course: Italy will organise a course for their teachers next Spring; Denmark will teach a course to the students too.

     Next steps before the next students’ mobility: 

    • The preparatory activities that Denmark will propose will be shared with the students that will participate in the mobility.
    • Lithuania will propose the challenge shown during the last mobility in Italy. 

    We agreed on a date for the first meeting, the 17th December, from 10 till 11. We agreed that the Meet should last not more than 30/45 minutes. Students will share their good resolutions for the New Year and they will sing a typical Christmas song in their language.

    • Selection call and students’ selection according to the project application: we shared the criteria.