Heron of Alexandria

  • Heron of Alexandria (c. 10 CE - c. 70 CE) was one of the finest mathematicians and inventors that the world has ever known.

    Worthy of mention alongside the great Archimedes, he began to explore the practical uses of mathematics rather than concentrate upon number relationships and esoteric, abstract mathematical laws.

    Heron developed many machines and mechanical devices with practical uses, showing that it was possible to take theory and put it into practice.

    Some of his devices were:

    • A coin operated 'Holy Water Dispenser'.
    • A water organ
    • The Aeolipile, a steam-powered device
    • Heron's Fountain an instrument that used air pressure to produce a jet of water
    • The Dioptra, a surveying device
    • A primitive, programmable robot (automaton)
    • A fire engine