Slavoljub Penkala

  • Slavoljub Penkala (1871-1922)
    Even if you’re not a professional writer, try counting the number of times you put your signature on a document. The old-fashioned way, with a pen to paper. This was made possible by the great inventor Slavoljub Penkala who first patented the mechanical pen in 1906. Only a year later, Penkala also created the fountain pen.

    These writing accessories became so popular that Penkala teamed up with Edmund Moster to set up the Penkala-Moster pen-and-pencil factory. TOZ Penkala (the factory’s current name) is still alive and kicking in Zagreb – an establishment with a cult status.
    If writing is our civilizational achievement, then Penkala undoubtedly provided one of the most crucial means by which we leave our mark and our signature in the world.


     Pavao Belas Elementary School, Croatia

    The date is January 24, 1906. In his Zagreb workshop, Slavoljub Penkala has just patented an invention that is still used today by schoolchildren around the world - a mechanical pen.


    Catholic primary school - Croatia



  • Slavoljub Penkala or Petrache Poenaru

    A tale of two inventors

    Read the article and discuss the differences between th etwo famous inventors.