• My recipe for happiness is.. What makes me happy is.. I'd love to find more time to...

  • Dear All,

    We are facing quite an unexpected, peculiar and definitely demanding time. I guess this is the moment when we, more than ever, reflect on what is genuinely important in our life, what constitutes our well-being, what the quality of all our relationships (with relatives, friends, best friends, acquaintances etc.) looks like or whether things we paid attention to or desired even a few weeks ago truly matter or were only whimsical.. I imagine e lot of us re-evaluated their opinions, plans, expectations.

    The last task within Module 1 was to create a board of happiness with project participants’ personal recipes for happiness. Try you best to consider everything you’ve learnt about happiness so far, everything you find working and applying to you or you see as inspiring, thought-provoking and worth reaching for. Take into account also the current situation. Maybe your recipe for happiness got re-evaluated and now you perceive something else as a source of your happiness.

    Reflect on that and share your ideas on ‘padlet’:

    Let’s create a board of happiness together 😊 We may inspire someone or lighten each other up!