Online Project Meeting - 18th May 2021

  • Another virtual project meeting was held on Tuesday, May 18th and this time the workshop was led by a foreign educator.

    Meet our special guest, John Cannings, a renowned expert in Geography and Sustainability Education (as an IB subject teacher he has taught Geography, TOK and MYP Individuals and Societies) who accepted our invitation to be part of our project and conduct the workshops for our dedicated students :)

    The title of the meeting constitutes the underlying idea & message of module 3 & 4: From Ego Centric to Eco Centric - it served as an introduction to sustainability and projects for module 3 & 4. It was an interactive lecture where, still, students' participation & engagement proved to be crucial for the meeting to succeed. Project students talked about Carbon Footprint, Sustainable Development Goals and the meeting/ lecture/ interaction with John was going to prepare them for the projects related to environment that are coming in module 4 & 4.


    From Ego Centric to Eco Centric_presentation.pdf

    Questions from Ego centric.pdf