Let's get to know each other !


    Goal : Introduce yourself, your family, your routine ! Share your traditions, your way of life. Discover our partners'day-to-day life ! Meet students from all over Europe !

    You will need : your smartphone or a tablet



    Team Building Activity

    This is a game to get to know each other and it will also help in building teams !

    DAY THREE team building activity.docx



    You will work on the Twinspace page « Proud to be European ». You can use your group chatrooms as for the last activity.

    Check in the file below who is your partner and send him/her or them messages to get information.

    Penfriends list 2.docx


    Share your routine. Tell your partner what your week is like. When does school start every day ? How long is your day at school ? What subjects do you study ? Do you practise activities when you are not at school ? What are your hobbies ?...

    Present your family life : Where do you live ? What do you eat ? What do you do with your family ? 

    Are all teens the same all over Europe ? What music do you listen to? What is fashionable in your country? What do you watch on TV (name of your favourite program) ? What are the main differences between the teenagers from the different partner countries ? What is the same everywhere ?

    Once you have exchanged with a partner and gathered all necessary information, please compare your answers with your classmates who had a partner of the same nationality than yours.

    Then, fill in the recap chart that you will find bellow and post it on the discussion page.


    DAY THREE activity.docx



    At the end of the day, we will compare some of the answers given by each group and debate!