Manlleu meeting: Guidelines for ICT work

  • In the meeting in Manlleu we are going to focus on ICT activities.  These are some of the tasks to be done:

    1.  Creation of a projet logo:

    You have several options:

    • You can use a logo creator program from internet - google "free logo creator" and you will find several options
    • You can draw the logo yourself (by hand or on the computer)


    2.  Georeference with MHM (mobile history map):

    The main task we are going to do in our meeting in Manlleu is referencing some places using the Mobile History Map page

    During this week we are going to visit Vic, Barcelona and Montserrat.  You should take pictures / make videos or audios and collect information about some of these places.  You are going to upload text, images and videos of some of these places to the MHM platform. 

    When you go back to your country you should be able to reference some of the places in your city

    This is a tutorial on how to publish on the MHM page:

    This tutorial shows you how to add videos, audios and links to your MHM contributions:


    On this page you can find help on how to work with this website