28. La Democracia/Democracy

  • La Democracia/Democracy 


    In order to find out what the students know about democracy and to get them involved in the topic the students were divided into mixed groups (Austrian and Spanish students) to answer a set of questions about democracy. To keep the students motivated, each group was given fictional 100 euros. They had to bet some money on the answers they thought were correct. The students worked in English and Spanish. The group that won most money was the winner. 

    Congrats to group consisting of Philipp Kastberger and Jesús Maria Solis Romero, winning the fictional amount of 2940 Euros!

    After each question, the answers were discussed and additional information was given. 


    Subsequently students had to answer some quesitons using the internet to learn about rights of European citizens and thinking about the concept of democracy. Again, the working language was English and Spanish. The questions can be found again in the subgroups. 


    As one of the major rights is the right to vote, vocabulary on that topic was being worked on. (Have a look at the word document underneath)


    Also the role of a good political European leader (president) was discussed. The students had to think about presidential character traits and challenges to overcome. In order to be able to do this in the most effective way, one of the speeches of Donald Trump was analysed, for being an example of how not to be. 


    What makes a good leader (president)? If I was European President I would.....  In small (mixed) groups, the students had to write a brief text, what character traits they would have/need, what they would improve (what they would want to stay the same) and what they would change. 

    In the document below, you can find the vocabulary activity on Democracy, Trump's outrageuous quotes, the questions on the presidential character traits and challenges to overcome.