Students' meetings (November 2016)

  • The students' meetings will take place from 13-19 November, 2016. The Polish students travel to Budapest/ Hungary, German students travel to Hérouville/ France and Thessaloniki/ Greece and the Basque/ Spanish students travel to Bergen/ Norway.

    During the meeting, the students

    - perform ice-breaking activities to get to know each other,
    - prepare presentations in binational groups about the two topics prepared before the meeting.
    - compare the results in the different countries,
    - analyze pros and cons,
    - draw conclusions,
    - present their results using posters, digital presentations, etc.
    - visit institutions that are dealing with unemployment prevention/ enterprises that train young people who are/were unemployed,
    - explore the personal and economic consequences of youth unemployment through analyzing materials by working creatively in work shops like producing photo stories, role plays, comics, newspaper article, drama, creative writing, press group, etc.