Our Peace Song

  •  Here is our first suggestion




    What do think about the song? You can leave some comments in the forum section.

    Now we are looking forward to your stanzas. Maybe you would like to make some adaptations of the tune for your stanza or add some instruments...we are already curious.

    Just add your product to the sub pages, don't create an extra page for your country.


    Polish stanza:


    Ludzie sobie pomagają

    Zamiast krzyczeć uśmiech dają.

    Pokój, radość gości wszędzie

    Nawet na innym kontynencie.


    Rudy, blondyn, czarny, biały

    Każdy z ludzi jest wspaniały.

    Chińczyk lubi jadać ryż,

    a w Egipcie pachnie anyż.


    Cały świat jest pełen ludzi

    Nikt na świecie się nie kłóci!

    Każdy umie podać rękę

    I zanucić tę piosenkę.


    by Mateusz Sienkiewicz 4B


    Polish stanza translated into English by students:


    All the people help each other,

    They give smile not scream or shout.

    Peace and joy is everywhere,

    On continents all over the world.


    Red or blond haired, black or white

    All the people are nice and fine.

    Chineses like delicious rice

    And in Egypt you smell anise.


    All the world is full of people,

    No quarrels, no shauts, no war!

    Everybody gives you a hand

    And together sing this chant.


    The first rehearsal of the Polish students

    as listened by the classroom doors :)

    Here is the Polish stanza:

    and the Polish stanza's English version:

    Polish stanza in German
    Menschen helfen sich einander,
    lächeln immer, statt zu schreien.
    Frieden, Glück herrschen hier und da,
    auch auf anderem kontinent.
    Rot, blond, schwarz oder auch weiß,
    jeder ist hier wunderbar.
    Der Chinese isst gern Reis,
    in Ägypten riecht Anise.
    Die ganze Welt ist voll von Mensch’
    sodass sich niemand streiten kann.
    Jeder reicht dir gern die Hand
    und singt dieses lied im Land.
    Translated into German by Magda G 



    Iubim pacea, dorim pacea,

    Respectăm toate legile,

    Avem libertate - e

    Timpul când lumea înflorește.


    Dorim pacea, iubim pacea, 

    Armonia și voia bună.

    Să râdem, să avem bucurii,

    Înțelegere cu oamenii.


    Noi iubim pacea, o dorim,

    Solidaritate simțim.


    Translation into English of the Romanian lines:

    We love peace, we want peace,

    We respect all laws,

    We have freedom - it is

    The time when the world blooms.


    We want peace, we love peace,

    Harmony and joy.

    Let us laugh, be merry,

    Understand each other.


    We love peace, we want it,

    We feel solidarity.


    OUR PEACE SONG - mixed version