Liceul Tehnologic Economic de Turism/ Iași/ Romania

  •    Liceul Tehnologic Economic de Turism was established in 2004, initially having the name of Grup Școlar Economic de Turism.

            Currently, this educational institution has 921 pupils, with four areas of specialisation: tourism, food industry, commerce and economics. The pupils studying at this high school come from both urban areas (about 60%) as well as from the rural areas (about 40%); many of them belong to disadvantaged social groups (single-parent families, parents who went abroad for work). The instructive-educational activity is provided by 53 teachers and over 65% of them have the first degree in teaching at secondary level or a PhD. The teaching/learning activity is carried out in two buildings where there are 36 classrooms, 6 laboratories for theoretical subjects, 8 laboratories/rooms for practical training, 2 school libraries, 2 sports fields, 2 medical offices, 1 room for psychological and pedagogical counselling, 11 teachers’ resource rooms for theoretical and professional training.

         Having the desire to integrate into a European economy, the educational institution aims to provide on the labour market specialists who have cognitive, functional, ethical and personal competences at the level of the standards imposed by Europe in the mentioned fields (economics, commerce, tourism, food industry).


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