Sunbathing.. but with protection!

  • Conclusions of the investigation done: Which recommendations should be given?

    Recommendations about skin cancer

    In my opinion we should pay attention to all the skin imperfections of our body. If we detect an evolution or any kind of change on it we ought to go to an specialist, and there he/she will decide which treatment should be given to us. But, of course we can prevent it, we can use sunglasses and sunscreen or we can cover or body with clothes and hats, but also we shouldn't expose our body to the sun during a long time. An skin cancer isn't dangerous if we detect it on time and if we decide to treat it.

    Here a video/web with more information about preventing skin cancer:

    Paula García 3º ESO A

    How can we prevent skin cancer?

    Here a video/web with more information about preventing skin cancer:

    Paula García 3º ESO A

    Our final poster
    Causes and preventions

    We learned that skin cancer can develop due to natural or specific causes, or by being a very long period of time exposed to sunlight. In the latter case, we can try to prevent it using sunscreen, covering ourselves with clothes and being shortly exposed to the sun. It is also important that in the high hours, when the sun is much hotter, we stay in the shade.

    Diana García Llorens 3rd A