Effects of sedentary life

  • Conclusions of the investigation done. Which recommendations should be given to avoid these effects? Try to propose specific actions.

    Conclusions - Effects of sedentary life

    After reflecting about this twinspace project, related with sedentary lifestyle, I have reached the following conclusions:

    -I think that the people in general don't know how to define what is a sedentary lifestyle.

    - The routines for avoiding a sedentary lifestyle are very simple and not very difficult to follow.

    - It is important to consider that we are living in a society in which people tend to eat fast food and to be sedentary. A cause of this behavour is provocated by the high levels of stress that involves our developed societies.

    Pablo R.

    Poster Pablo Rubio y Bryan Almagro
    Conclusion of effects of sedentary life

    the most impotant for me are " the risk of a sedentary life" and it can be very harmful to health. It may have more tendency to over

    weight atrocy de muscles early menopause in the case of women and even premature death.


    Bryan Almagro