• On a half-day work shop on 5th December German students developed ideas and questions on what they want to learn about the life of people in the late 60s, the years, when their school, the Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium, was founded.

    They created a questionaire, which served as a starting point to student's interviews with eye witnesses of the that time. The interviews where held in the period of the Christmas holidays and during the following weeks.

    Students are to compare their findings first with there fellow students in class (intracultural comparison). They will look for common elements of the eye witnesses' narratives, point out special details and try to develope a general overview of the late 60s in their country. 

    During the first meeting in Germany, students of both countries will present and compare their findings on the historical situation of their countries in the late 60s (intercultural comparison) and discuss problems relevant to the findinds, for example

    I. The late 60s: The "Good, old days?"

    II. Student life in the 60s - No tech, no fun? 

    III. One, two or more ways of student lifes in the late 60s?

    IV. The individual life and the people's life - Critical approach on the method 


    Here you find the questions used as starting point of the interviews ...

    question greek english.pdf

    question deutsch.pdf