Students Evaluate



    Recording and Evaluating

    Go to the FligGrid Page



    Posting on the Project Blog

    eTwinning is a European action on the field of education. Taking into account your young European IDENTITY,can you tell what  your opinions are about how  our eTwinning project has  helped  you to raise awareness of the CLIMATE CHANGE issue in the way of taking individual action and become familiar with your CITIZENSHIP rights and responsibilities within the framework of the VALUES? 


    Students' Blog Posts 

    Taking the Final Evaluation Survey

    Make it Larger



    Responses of the Students' Evaluation Survey


    This is the Poll to have been aplied at the start of the 4th Main Activity (Democracy and Active Citizenship)Below you can see the details

    The Poll

    According to the question directed to the students as seen above,a bit more than half of the students  expressed that they could make their voice heard by taking part in school conservations and voice their opinions.


    A Quiz by Eleni from the Greek Team

    Take the Survey

    Take the Quiz





    Google Docs
