Lithuanian School




    Here you may find some activity pictures that belong

    to the LITHUANIAN students in the mixed European Teams.


    Lithuanian Students in European Teams are working on Cospace, ACTION 2 VALUES activities have been completed. A perfect way to enhanse students' cooperation skills:)


    First online video meeting of the project partners December 17th 2019.

    It's always fun to meet the partners:)

    March the 6th. Working in teams on Global Challenges tasks. It was really a challenge, there were so many different tasks to complete, thanks to the partners:) Students explored and learned a number of tools, developed their 4C's skills as well.

    April the 3rd, online meeting with partners from homes. Challenging experience since participants had to join the meeting from their homes because of pandemic issues:


    Some videos drafts for completeing the activities:

    Students doing the challenging task - speaking Greek as a part of their student activities:

    Students expressing their ideas about democracy


    2nd of June a Zoom meeting with one group of students to discuss the evaluation of project activities criteria and the final survey questions.