Democracy and Citizenship is the 4th Main Activity.First,the students will share videos about Democracy and Citizienship on Twinboard and they will watch or read the content shared by others.They will take a Poll about how participating individuals they are in life.Next,we invite the young people to a Challenge.They are supposed to show how entrepreneur they are.They will work individually or with small group and will prepare a work about a certain glocal issue and try to raise awareness of others.At the end,all the works to be done by the involved students will be voted by the Twinspace members.(Students and Teachers)
In the next step,the students will work with mixed European teams and students in each mixed team will make online search,read ad watch and write an essay or similar content about the team topic.The topic of each mixed team will be about theme of Democracy and Citizenship but each team will work on the different aspect of the topic.The works of the students in the European teams will be brought together in an ebook.In another task,the involved students will prepare two PSA videos(Public Service Announcement)as young citizens on the theme of democracy-active citizenship,climate change,multilingual Europe,European values.One will be multilingual another will be only English.
We intend the students to raise the importance of inclusive and participatory democracy and to understand their roles,rights and responsibilities as an active citizen and to gain more positive attitude towards democratical values and to raise their awareness of multilingual Europe and to motivate them to learn other European languages from starting early ages.
With the help of the activities,they will have the opportunity to strenghten the achievements of different school curricula in the partner schools(Language,History,Essay Writing,English and ICT...).The students will practice different school disciplines in an interdisiplinary approach simultaneously.
They will make search about their democratic rights and responsibilities,exchange their ideas with their peers,discuss,cooperate,develop team work skills,digital competences and promote creative thinking and entrepreneurial skills.
Dear Students,we suggest you a few we 2.0 tools so that you can carry out the given tasks.We will welceome if you can suggest suitable web 2 tools to perform the tasks.
We would like you to add related video,image or text about Democracy and Citizenship on the TwinBoard and please watch the posted content.After that,take the Poll with a single question.
Go to the Forum and exchange your ideas about by answering the questions.It is time to exchange your ideas with all Twinspace members
Write an essay about the given topic of your mixed European team.Follow the instructions on the page of Reflections on Democracy.We will we will collect your writings,essays in a book
Demo-PSA (Public Service Announcement)We are creating two different PSA videos about Democracy and and the profile of the young Euroepan citizen,climate change as a global threat,multilingual Europe,..etc.These videos will be created collaboratively.
We invite you to challenge to show your active participation in social events and your sensitivity to what is happening around you or around the world. Join the Democratic Entrepreneurs Challenge.You will decide for yourself which technological tools or web tools you can use to prepare and present your work.You may work individually or with groups.Be creative and entrepreneur! We would like to say that we will vote when all the prepared works are presented.
Mentor Teachers,please scan the students' comments about the values on the Forums and summarize them by taking account the highlighting points regarding the Values.Share what you get in the page of "YoungAction on Democracy and Citizenship"
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