• This is a lesson plan from Zlatar Bistrica- 

    Reading and exploring about plants in school permaculture garden- workshop

    SPG5 permaculture lesson plan.docx


    Integrated: School library, Croatian, Science, Art



    Reading and exploring about plants in school permaculture garden- workshop



    10 years old



    Pencils, working sheets, encyclopedias, poster papers, whiteboard, markers, children magazines about nature



    The student:

    • recognizes plants in the school garden and describes them orally and in writing
    • uses literature in research work
    • writes notes and abstracts
    • separates the important from the irrelevant
    • knows how to list the plants that grew in the school garden
    • knows how to find information in encyclopedia and childrens magazine
    • develops lifelong skills
    • develops motivation to read, gain reading skills
    • develops better communication and understanding of text


    90 minutes



    Snježana Kovačević, school librarian



    I. Pupils play a game of guessing vegetables in the game Guess who I am. Pupils play that game in pairs. One pupil takes a card with vegetables, show it to another pupil and starts asking the question about it. Other pupil answers the question and the first one need to guess the name of the vegetables.- 15 minutes

    After the game, pupils evaluate the activity by numbers 1 to 3( 1-it was very motivating, 2-it was motivating, 3-it wasn't motivating)

    II. Pupils and teacher are sitting in the garden in the circle. They are discussing about gardening, gardens, healthy food, about permaculture, the importance of staying in the fresh air and simmilar topics. Teacher uses encyclopedias and childrens magazines about nature to motivate them to be more active in the workshop. They read aloud about different kinds of plants, about nature, ecology, healthy food and lifestyles, etc.- 15 minutes

    Pupils evaluate the activity by output cards- writing three things they learned during the coversation with other pupils and teacher in the garden.

    III. Pupils are divided into teams and they get tasks: 1st team needs to go around the garden and see which vegetables grew, write its names and draw them on the poster paper; 2nd team needs to describe 5 vegetables they notice in the garden ( color, its size, the shape, etc);  3rd team needs to explore about the nutritional value of vegetables from materials teacher prepared for them and write their notes on the poster paper; 4th team needs to come up with funny advertisement for selling vegetables.- 30 minutes

    At the end of the activity they need to write one word on the whiteboard about how did they feel during the activity.

    IV. Presentation of pupils work. Pupils choose a team member who presents their group work. After the activity pupils have peer to peer/group to group evaluation pointing out what was good, interesting, motivating, creative, etc. They use post-it papers, write their oppinion and stick it on the whiteboard. – 30 minutes



    A lesson plan from Iceland:

    Lesson plan - starting a permacultural garden.docx



    Permaculture lesson plan



    Integrated: Natural sciences, IT,


    Starting a permaculture garden at school


    10 – 11 years


    Small whiteboards, markers, working sheets, pencils, computers/tablets, seed, flowerpots, soil, water, potatoes, shovels


    The student:

    • learns about plants that can be grown at school
    • learns to read information and instructions on the internet and choose useful ones
    • knows how to sow seeds in flowerpots
    • learns to know and grow different types of herbs, salad and potatoes
    • develops lifelong skills
    • knows the words permaculture and environmental footprint
    • improves communication and group working skills



    3 x 40 min.






    1.  Motivation game and introduction: Pupils work in pairs, each pair has a whiteboard and a marker. Teacher ask pupils to write on the whiteboard five things that are green, when told pupils show their board. Next the pupils are asked to write three things that are green and edible. The third question is to write three things green, edible and that they would like to grow. (Give 1- 2 min. for each question, between questions 30 sec. to find a new partner) All answers to question three are written down to use in next part. Discuss the benefits of growing own food and reduction of an environmental footprint.


    2.  Pupils work in pairs/groups of three, each group has a worksheet, a pencil and a tablet and one of the plant names written in step 1.



    They fill out the worksheet and tell their classmates the results. Discuss the need for equipment, if it is necessary to buy something or not. Maybe some pupils want to ask at home if they can get used things for the project. Pupils and teacher decide what to plant/sow first. Discuss what the plants require to grow, the meaning of permaculture and how it relates to the idea of growing edible plants at school.


    3.  Outdoor lesson (time depends on size of crops and number of pupils): Pupils learn how to prepare crops for planting and sowing. Then sow seeds and put potatoes properly down into the soil. Seeds for indoor growing are sown in flowerpots with watered soil.


    Lesson plans from North Macedonia


    School Permaculture Garden 


    OOU Dimitar Makedonski  


    Permaculture lesson plan (Lesson 1) 



    Integrated: Natural sciences, IT,  


    Starting a permaculture garden at school 


    9– 10 years 


    Small whiteboards, markers, working sheets, pencils, computers/tablets, seed,  


    The student: 

    • learns about plants that can be grown at school 

    • Is able to make difference between permaculture garden and organic garden 

    • learns to read information and instructions on the internet and choose useful ones 

    • knows how to sow seeds in flowerpots 

    • learns to know and grow different plants 

    • Develops life skills 

    • Understands the basics of permaculture 

    • improves communication and group working skills  



    1 x 40 min. 






    1. The students are advised to research the internet about the meaning of the word permaculture and look for the difference between permaculure garden and organic garden. 

         The students are devided in two groups. The first group makes research about permaculture gardens and makes charts of the findings, while the other one researches organic gardens. 

    After that they compare their data and take notes of the similarities and differences. 


    2. The students read their notes and a discission is developed. After the discussion they agreed on the fact that a permaculture garden is a place where you grow healthy products through the nature’s way of developing and that permaculture is more of a way of life not only in gardening but understanding the world and nature in whole. In the other hand organic gardening is more of a commercial label for production of healthy produce. 

    After realising the benefits of permaculture the student discuss about production of healthy produce in the school garden. They make a list of all necessery materials and support they will need.  



    3. The lesson and the class move to the school yard to spot the perfect plase for proceeding with the plan. The teacher initiates a ddiscussion about what is needed for a plant to be palnted and be able to grow. The students are prepared and have the basis to continue with the next lesson that will be ina garden center where agricultural  experts will show them how to plant seed and seedlings so they become grown plants. The seeds and seedlings is planned to be started in a pot and then transfered in the school yard when time comes. 






    Lesson plan Primary School Dimitar Makedonski - Skopje, North Macedonia(Lesson 2)

    Subject: Science

    Title: Let’s grow together

    Age:9-10 y.o.

    Materials: Acorns, seedlings, pots, water, garden tools, soil

    Aims: Student will be able to

    - recognize evergreen plants

    - name the characteristics of the evergreen plants

    - plant an acorn, nourish it and keep data of the process of growing

    - take care of nature


    The teacher initiates a conversation with the student about growing and the growth process in people i.e. how are they (the students) growing up.Then they play a game of association. Then they make a comparison of the growth process in people and plants.

    Main part: 

    The students with their teacher visit a garden center and get to know the place. They interview the experts there. Under guidance of the experts students plant the acorns. They learn about the way the acorn should be taken care of, what is indeed to be planted correctly,look after it and what conditions it needs to grow properly.


    The students plant the seedlings in the school yard and each student has a tree in progress to take care of. They keep a diary of its growth.