
  • All schools will be responsible for their school’s activities,  performances during LTT, intermediate and final reports but they are to have a good cooperation with each other which will be done by sustainable communication such as whatsapp and messenger as the fastest ones and google docs, e-mails/ trello application as the neatest filing system.

    Apart from this ZOOM and eTwinning live events, chat, Adobe Connect, Forum and other means of communication are a good way to have an interactive communication and collaboration.

    SJA School Malta will be coordinating this strategic partnership. The first transnational meeting will be held in Malta. We will ensure good governance, transparency, gender-balance, co-operation and
    intercultural dialogue. Together we will plan, organise, lead and control, making sure that deadlines are adhered to by drafting agendas for all the meetings. The Maltese school will also be responsible for training all volunteers, staff and pupils in Permaculture and Clicker.

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica is eco and eTwinning school so we can take care of the eTwinning platform on which
    we will upload all materials produced during our project. The Croatian school will be responsible for eTwinning Project Launching and LTT in Croatia. We created Twinning project and we use eTwinning live, chat and forum for cooperation, planning, discussing, etc.

    Island will analyse the questionnaires results, take the minutes of the meetings and will also edit the Ecobook.

    All partners will collaborate in the elaboration of all materials and be responsible of each product.
    They will be in charge of collecting all ideas, put them together, collecting pictures, illustrations and videos, creating a digital version and spreading the materials out. We have ensured a balanced distribution of functions between all members to encourage in all partners an active contribution.
    Permaculture Garden - Each school will set up its own garden in the school or neighbouring areas (with the cooperation of Local Councils ) and will be responsible of documenting various stages -
    photos or video clips. Eventually all information will be sent to the school co-ordinating the Eco book.

    Our mutual tasks and responsibilities: 
    Campaign - Leading a healthy lifestyle by all schools
    Ecobook - each school to provide traditional healthy recipes for this book, two lesson plans, pictures
    of their permaculture garden.
    Sharing Methodologies and teaching strategies - each school to present their detailed interactive
    lesson plan to the school responsible for the Eco book.
    All partners agree on the importance of communication, exchange of information for a good

    Communication, discussions and results will be documented in written form. Everything produced during the project will be shared in a common dropbox area, available to both teachers and
    students from each different partner country.