Peace jounal


    THE PEACE JOURNAL  (by Antonella Russo - Italy)

    Production of a peace journal. "Peace through my eyes"/What does peace mean to you? Start each page with “Peace is...” This will be children dreams of peace in words and pictures. Through the Eyes of a Child Conducting students’ own photo shoots to explore the question “What makes my country a great place to live without violence?”





    In my opinion, peace is reached by talking and discussing, but sometimes rather than resorting to arms and war, one should speak.

    Peace is an ideal situation that avoids making war not to cause disasters and massacres, but the most important thing is to get along well and live together peacefully.


    There is no peace in this world because 

    people judge without knowing. Wars exist because men can not look at anything other than in power without realizing that what he provokes is not wealth, but suffering and pain. If parents educate children to be tolerant of others, people who come here will no longer feel so uncomfortable. In my opinion, one must know a person and then draw conclusions that are positive or negative, this with everyone without prejudice. History must teach us not to repeat the same mistakes and horrible massacres that those who came before us have done. We must be tolerant of a world of peace; therefore, if everyone helps, it is possible to have a better world than this, a world of love and joy.


    For me peace is an inestimable good because the war kills and devastates entire innocent populations for the decisions of the leaders or the government. We young people can not realize what war is; because we never lived it directly. We know only peace, we get angry for a videogame, while in another part of the world there is someone who is desperate for losing one of his loved ones in war. Once peace is achieved, it must be maintained and can not be economic reasons (oil mines, etc.) to provoke the beginning of other wars: Americans, for example, want to impose their concept of democracy on people who have always lived according to their culture provoking a chain reaction that expresses itself with other violence.


    In a not so distant past Italy also suffered the effects of the Second World War and witnessed the persecution of millions of "different" people. Peace certainly remains among the most important assets, based on respect for individual liberties and diversity.


    In my opinion racism is not a feeling  because it comes from stupid reasons. Certainly it is impossible to be all the same, because we are all different and we can not behave like sheep. Peace is something that must be reciprocal and everyone must be ourselves and think that others must be themselves. Every day on television we hear about war, especially in countries, for example Africa, in which riches such as diamonds, precious stones and oil are disputed. In fact, even children are forced to fight, to wield arms.


    It's nice to be part of one world, but it's bad to think that while I'm happy, I have everything I want, there are children less fortunate than me who die of hunger, forced to hold on the hands of guns, they do not realize not even what these horrible objects are!

    Today the war is wanted by  murderers.

    We try to do everything possible to keep PACE in the world, we organize some

    marathons and throw colored balloons with cute messages that will reach children less fortunate than us !!

    PACE is wonderful, WAR is bad!
