With sport for the peace


    Collaboration activities for non-violence behavior
    (Annalisa Casiello - Italy)

    The group-games, team building games  has got its own rules to be respected and the same we can say for the whole life! Only if we respect the rules and play together, collaborating and respecting each other, we can win every game in our life and fight the violence! So, let’s play happily together and be friends for a better life! As Colin Powell said: “Children need to get a high-quality education, avoid violence and the criminal-justice system, and gain jobs. But they deserve more. We want them to learn not only reading and math but fairness, caring, self-respect, family commitment, and civic duty.”

    1. Ballon beetwen 2 head

    2. Spoon in the mouth

    3. Put on the floor with one finger the hulla hopp

    4. FILM:



    (by Sofia Kakatsy)
    (by Veronika Csuri)

    (by Veronika Csuri)

    (by Veronika Csuri)​​​​​​​

    The Headteacher’s speech on the presentation of the Olympic Games

    (Alexandra Stathopoulou) 

    Thank you for your presence in today’s events, which are part of the festivities organized by our school under the European Erasmus plus program entitled: “students against violence in Europe”. We are very pleased to be hosting this week the delegations from five European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Cyprus, Italy and Spain), to evaluate and assess the achievement of the goals of the first year, as well as to plan the activities of the year ahead. Our students today will proudly act out for you a simulation of the lighting of the Olympic torch and the Olympic games, which are directly related to the theme of our program, namely violence and how students can promote peace, culture, friendship and cooperation among nations. The Olympic games was the most significant religious celebration in ancient Greece and were held exclusively in ancient Olympia every four years, from 776 BC to 393AD, when they were abolished by the Emperor Theodosius. In 1896 the modern Olympic Games were revived in Athens , represented by five rings joined together, which symbolized the crossing of nations, cultures and people, in an attempt to promote the ideals of diversity, solidarity, equality, peace and freedom. We will be watching a brief ritual of the lighting of the Olympic torch, with our students dressed as priestesses. According to the ritual, 11 women representing the vestal virgins perform a celebration at the temple of Hera , in which the first torch of the Olympic torch relay is kindled by the light of the sun (God Apollo), its rays concentrated by a parabolic mirror. After the invocation to the God and the lighting of the torch, the flame is carried in a fire pot to an altar in the ancient Olympic Stadium, accompanied by priestesses. The procession stops at the holy olive tree, where they cut a brunch , a symbol of peace and a victory prize that was given to the winners. Finally, I would like to thank Mrs. DORA Altoglou and Mrs.Maria Konstantinou from ELEA sports club for their precious help in today’s events. I would also like to thank our municipality for providing the facilities and the sound equipment, Mr. and Mrs. Giannopoulou for the camera and drone coverage, as well as everybody else who contributed to the success of today’s festivities.