Live debates

  • Debates - Second round

    Group 1 vs. Group 2

    Topic: The Internet has done more harm than good for democracy

    Group 2 - Proposition

    Group 1 - Opposition

    WINNER: Group 2


    Group 3 vs. Group 4

    Topic:  Kids and teens who regularly play violent games are more prone to violence

    Group 4 - Proposition

    Group 3 - Opposition

    WINNER: Group 3


    Debates - First round

    Group 1 vs. Group 3

    Topic: Drug testing on animals should be banned

    Group 3 - Proposition

    Group 1 - Opposition

    WINNER: Group 1


    Group 2 vs. Group 4

    Topic: Obligatory homework should be banned.

    Group 2 - Proposition

    Group 4 - Opposition

    WINNER: Group 2