Proverbs and idiomatic expressions


    Here you can find some proverbs or idiomatic expressions related to the words "BOOK" and "WORDS". Some students did the research, others illustrated.

    Here is a list of proverbs and idiomatic expressions. Now let's see who's creative enough to transform these word into images...


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    Our works


    To cook books - by Jagoda D 3a Warsaw


    Read my lips - by Julia G. 3a, Julia K. 2a Warsaw

    Word for word - by Kalina P. 2a Warsaw

    A picture is worth a thousand words - by Zosia Z. 2b Warsaw

    Today a reader, tomorrow a leader - by Ula K. 5a Warsaw

    A book holds a house of gold - by Kalina P. 2a Warsaw

    To be an open book - by Zosia Z. 2b Warsaw

    To be a closed book - by Zosia Z. 2b Warsaw

    To throw a book at - by Staś K 3a Warsaw

    To have your nose in a book - by Zosia J. 4a Warsaw

    To throw a book at someone - by Ala Z. 4b Warsaw

    Fatma Akgül-Söke Yavuz Selim Anatolian High School

    by Zuza W. - Poland


    Fatma Akgül-Söke Yavuz Selim Anatolian High School


    by Kalina - Poland


  • Germany´s ideas

    A book is a loaded gun
    To be a bookworm
    To be a closed book