The educational newspaper for educators posted the news about our work with tablets.
'Tasty CLIL 2.0, un proyecto ABP a través de eTwinning' by the Spanish newspaper 'Ideal en Clase'
Training courses for teachers in CLIL and methodology at the CEP of Guadix / Granada and the University of Granada.
Move on: Global connections. Blogging and collaborative environments
Project in evidence on the portal of the National Support Service for eTwinning:
2. In Italy the project has been disseminated during:
- collegio docenti - teacher meetings - and "classes 2.0" meetings
- training courses for primary teachers of English
- trainees who attended lessons at our primary schools
- the seminar for the 10th Anniversary of eTwinning in Ivrea (TO)
- the prize ceremony in which Rodari primary school was given a prize by the local newspaper "Eco del Chisone" for use of New technologies for the video "TG Roletto"
- Erasmus plus KA1 blog and monitoring reports
- Yummy 2015 - website created by our Direzione Didattica to collects experiences from a net of local schools for Expo 2015 and that has been seleceted to be presented ad Expo on 18th October 2015:
- Kick off Erasmus Ka1 - Venice 2015 - by the National Agency as good example of use of etwinning within KA1