Water purification and wastewater treatment in Żyrardów

  • On the 29th of September 2019, participants of the project took part in a visit to a water intake in Sokule, water purification plant in Mokra and wastewater purification plant in Żyrardów.

    Water for Żyrardów is drawn from the groundwater resources of the Quaternary formations in the area of the Sokule intake. Raw water is collected by means of deep wells and pumped to the "Mokra" water treatment plant where it is subjected to treatment before it is directed to the city water network. The treatment consists in aeration of the raw water in water-air mixers and then two-stage filtration through iron and manganese removal deposits. Pre-treated water is disinfected with a sodium hypochlorite solution. Before it is pumped into the network, it is directed to expansion tanks. Constant pressure in the water supply network is ensured by a pumping station. Efficiency of the water treatment plant. is currently 500 cubic metres per hour and the water consumption by the city is at the level of 4500 - 9000 cubic metres per day.

    After the process of treatment, samples of water are taken and tested in a laboratory, to check whether the content of harmful chemical compounds and bacteria, as well as the taste and smell of the water, are within acceptable limits. During our trip, we measured, among others, the pH level of the water and the content of fluorides and chlorides in it, which means we found out these parameters for tap water in our city water network. 

    In the wastewater treatment plant we learnt about the process of sewage treatment and saw the machines used for it. Also, we found out that you can get useful products out of sewage, like electricity, heat and natural fertilizer for agriculture. In the lecture on the process of wastewater treatment many technical details were given. One of the participants prepared a presentation on the trip, in which she included a description of the technologies.