Greece-Dissemination: Open Event to the local community

  • On Friday evening, 17th May 2019 the Greek school organized an event open to the local community. This event worked in two ways. It was a farewell party for the partners as well as a dissemination activity in order to present works which took place during the C4- Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in the week 13rd-17th May 2019 in Greece.

    The event consisted of two parts. In the first part, the Greek coordinator briefly described the highlights of the meeting and presented a video of 5-day activities conducted. In the second part, a performance with dances and songs by the Greek students took place. A warm audience applauded as they enjoyed every moment of it. The meeting culminated with local dishes, wine, delicacies and sweets offered by the host families.

    Follow a video from the event: