C2 - Fostering democracy in the wake of atrocity (Norway)

    • students will work towards these objectives by studying texts and  propaganda published by Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s and compare this to analyses of propaganda published today by right-wing movements in the different partner countries. Students will research about media and propaganda in Nazi Germany unraveling the mechanism behind the statement: A lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth by Goebbles, Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany. They will create a digital mind map on how using media can construct fake and dangerous reality and find similarities with today’s world.The obtained information will help them prepare for active participation in the onsite event. Students taking part in this activity will also make entries in the HEY blog. Use Anders’ method ...

    • They will conduct a history project about the history of right-wing extremism in the different partner countries. This will be presented onsite. History teachers in the partner countries will have to share knowledge about the right-wing movements in their respective countries.