
  • “Games of the past“ / Lithuanian folk games

    Project students (25 students of 6-9 grades) had to meet grandparents, guests of older age to talk about regional games of the past.

    Due to Covid-19, we didn‘t have the opportunity to meet with the elderly, but still, we could find out some games of the past and learn the rules. History and Lithuanian language teachers helped to accomplish this task. Students recorded the rules and designed the leaflet “Games of the past“.

    Lithuanian games in the past and nowadays

    In the past, Lithuanians used games as an educational tool but not entertainment. Properly organized games helped bring a healthy generation of joy-filled individuals.

    Each game had a specific goal, developed one or another skill. Recognized youth leaders - the most active and smart village or town boys or girls brought the teams together. Such leaders were the youth of every town - both boys and girls.

    The traditional sports games were and still are to test young people's ability to concentrate, think logically and respond to the opponents' actions in the game. Teenagers and young people loved wrestling and did not avoid fighting. Games like: fencing, being pushed out of the circle were a lot like war games. Payers usually used sticks, bags and stones for such games.

    People who avoided physical exercise and games were called sluggish. Other people made fun of them.

    Educational video “Let‘s learn a folk game“

    7-9 grade students were interested and enthusiastic in recording a film –tutorial to teach games of the past. The project coordinator and English teachers guided the process.