local newpapers , Twitter, facebook...
Go to page 5 to 12In English pag.13
First Mobility in Italy- students dissemination15th of January our stuidents presented their opinions to their colleagues at school.It was a good and interesting event where they shared their feelings, opinions, knowledge about the school they were hosted and the school trips in Italy.
Students to students dissemination
Local portal describes our Erasmus+ project and mentions the trip to Spain
Our most popular local portal/radio describes the project idea shortly as well as the trip to Spain.
It's a dissemination material we are going to use it to present it to our community ( students, teachers, parents ) to show the activities of our project.
Go to page 9-10 -15 and page 30 -about Mudejar Art
I invite you to go to page 8 and 22 to read about our Erasmus + Days 2020 and about the project and on page 40 , a Romanian student wrote in Romanian about Spain and its cities.It's our school magazine edition issued 10th January 2021
The Regional Magazine "eTwinning component of Erasmus + "Go to page 28