Romanian answers

  • Here we are going to prove that the prejudices you found about our country aren't true.

    The prejudices: „Romanian speak a strange language/ Russian language”

    The Romanian, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese languages have Latin origin. 




    I propose you a challenge! Please fill in the paddle by following the Latin words space to see how our languages are related! Polish partners will be judges :) Thank you!


    The prejudices: „Romania is a vampire country. they are vampires. I know Dracula”


    Vlad Tepes was three times lord of Romanian country, in 1448,1456-1462,1476-1477. He was the successor of famous Romanian lords. His father’s name was Vlad Dracul. He was a knight in order of dragons,who fighted against Otoman kingdom. It was a religious and military group like Teutoni knights.  THE ORDER OF DRAGONS

    Dracula means Dracul’s son. In Romanian Dracul means devil and this name contributed to his reputation as a very cruel man. When he became lord of Romanian country he tried to lead by force. He decided to kill all men who were enemies to his father and his brother.  For punish people he used spikes,a brutal and bloody method. Also his name became Vlad Tepes. The stories and the legends combinated the real facts with fiction and history character Vlad Tepes became Dracula .


    Although Vlad Tepes reigned in the south of Romania, the territory in which the Dracula appears is Transylvania , because those who invented this character were the Saxons and Szekler, unjustified by some laws given by Vlad Tepes.

    The mass murders that Vlad Tepes carried out in a non-discriminatory and brutal manner would probably mean acts of war and war crimes according to current standards, but for us, Romanians, Vlad Tepes, is a fair and faithful lord of his country.

    Ștefan Ungureanu, 4th grade